Owasso OK: In the December issue of This Old House magazine, the editors put together four dream gift packages for their Hands on Holiday Gift Guide Feature. Located on page 85 is gift selection number three, CAD Pro software for the armchair architect.
Hands-on Holiday editorial contains gifts for The Weekend Woodworker, The House Historian, The Aspiring Film Critic and The Armchair Architect. Design Software CAD Pro is featured as an Armchair Architect’s dream gift. “It’s often said that (Frank Lloyd) Wright’s creativity outstripped the technology of the day. Imagine what he could have done if he had architectural software that lets you create floor plans and elevations…” .
About CAD Pro Software:
Available to the general public for $99.95, CAD Pro is great for the armchair architect andmakes it easy to design any project using intuitive toolbars and drag and drop functions for walls, doors, windows, electrical outlets, light switches, lighting, pop-up digital photos, pop-up audio voice recordings and more.
CAD Pro platinum software is favored by over 2.5 million consumers and educators, winning the AEP (Association of Educational Publishers) Distinguished Achievement Award. CAD Pro was also chosen as a behind the scenes partner with the hit ABC TV Show: Extreme Makeover Home Edition.
CAD Pro has helped thousands of homeowners or armchair architect’s, professional designers, builders and contractors plan and design all types of floor plan designs. CAD Pro is used by NARI professional remodelers and contractors. CAD Pro is also used by NHBA home builders and contractors as well as the National Association of Landscape professionals.
Cad Pro is an affordable and easy alternative to other more expensive armchair architect design software. Cad Pro is great for designing DIY home projects, smart home appliances, technical drawings, electrical drawings, construction details, and much more.
About Delta Software International
Delta Software International (DSI) is an American software developer and publisher with corporate headquarters in Owasso, Oklahoma. With millions of customers worldwide, DSI is committed to providing desirable, dependable software at affordable prices.