CAD Pro’s blueprint software for higher education is used in schools and universities for teaching the art of creating blueprints. Cad Pro is used by many educational institutions for educating students in all fields of drafting and design. The Association of Educational Publishers awarded Cad Pro with the Distinguished Achievement Award and students from all walks of life use Cad Pro for their student projects and classroom assignments.
CAD Pro software contains over 8,000 features to design projects ranging from a new house or renovation to electrical schematics and mechanical engineering. With an exclusive focus on 2D drafting blueprints, CAD Pro’s blueprint software for higher education is suitable for contractors’ floor plans, building permit submissions, patent designs and submissions, mechanical engineering and much more.
Award Winning Blueprint Software for Higher Education
For 38 years, the Association of Education Publishers has honored high-quality learning resources that exhibit superior educational content and value with its Distinguished Achievement Award. Only one-third of the products entered are selected as finalists. CAD Pro’s blueprint software for higher education was chosen from a rigorous two-tier judging process for original/creative use of technology, educational value, ease of use, and quality of content.

Mechanical Blueprints
Cad Pro is an affordable and easy alternative to other more expensive blueprint software programs for for implementing features necessary for CAD Pro’s award winning blueprint software for higher education. Cad Pro is great for creating custom home plans, building plans, office plans, construction details, and much more. Anyone can start creating professional blueprints with CAD Pro.
Blueprint Software for Higher Education features Sketch Tracing
Sketch your designs on a piece of paper, and then scan it. Now open your scanned sketch in CAD Pro’s blueprint software for higher education and it becomes a traceable template that you can easily modify.
Interactive Blueprint Software Features
- Record your ideas and incorporate voice instructions.
- Add pop-up text memos that support areas with details and callouts.
- Pop-up photos allow you to quickly visualize your designs and plans.
Patent Drawings and Designs
CAD Pro is excellent for preparing very detailed blueprints for any type of patent design. You can then present your drafted blueprints to a patent attorney or patent agent. This will allow any patent professional to quickly review your blueprints while gaining an accurate understanding of your invention. Your detailed blueprints will save a lot of time for your attorney or agent.
The Association of Educational Publishers (AEP) awarded Cad Pro with the Distinguished Achievement Award. Students from all walks of life use Cad Pro’s blueprint software for higher education for their student projects and classroom assignments.
CAD Pro has helped thousands of homeowners, professional designers, builders and contractors plan and design all types of blueprints. CAD Pro is used by NARI professional remodelers and contractors and the NRCA roofing contractors. CAD Pro is also used by NHBA home builders and contractors, the National Kitchen & Bath Association (NKBA). as well as the (NALP) National Association of Landscape Professionals.